Hiring A DUI Attorney Near Me In Las Vegas, Nevada

Driving under the influence can be a serious offense. Our team is ready to offer serious legal representation. You need to be represented by a qualified DUI attorney near me in Las Vegas, Nevada because the laws and penalties can be complex. DUI charges can include intoxicating liquor as well as controlled or prohibited substances. No matter what your case may be, it is critical to contact a DUI attorney near me as soon as you are arrested.

Why It’s So Important To Hire A DUI Attorney Near Me In Las Vegas, Nevada

DUI cases are complicated legal issues. It is important to hire an attorney as soon as possible so that they can start working on your defense. Your attorney will protect your rights and help to prove your innocence. Do not leave this important matter up to chance. Don’t assume that you are able to handle it properly on your own. An experienced attorney who specializes in DUI cases can help you navigate the courtroom.

Questions About DUI That Are Frequently Asked

What is the cost for Gary L Guymon PC to represent me in a DUI case?

Our DUI & Traffic Ticket lawyers can provide you with personalized and professional representation regarding your DUI. For more information and to schedule a complimentary meeting with one of our lawyers, call (702) 758-5858.

Why should I choose a Gary L Guymon PC lawyer for my DUI case?

We have successfully handled thousands of DUI cases. Our DUI lawyers will do everything possible to identify every legal issue in your case and provide the best defense. From the moment you meet with us, we will provide a step-by-step plan for your case. Our goal is to get you the best possible result for your case. We will use all available means to achieve that result, even if it means going to trial.

DUI Penalties and Laws

Driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or controlled or prohibited substances

NRS 484.379 Driving while under the influence of alcohol or controlled or banned substances: illegal acts; affirmative defense; additional punishment for violations committed in a work zone. [Effective to the date of repeal of federal law requiring every state to make it illegal for a person driving a motor vehicle with blood alcohol concentrations of 0.08 percent and greater in order to receive federal funding for construction of highways within this State.

1. It is against the law for anyone who:

  • Has been under the influence of intoxicating liquor
  • Had blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or greater in his breath or blood
  • A measurement taken within two hours of driving or exercising actual physical control over a vehicle is used to determine that the driver had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or higher.
  • To drive a vehicle on a highway, or at premises that the public has access to.

2. It is against the law for anyone who:

  • Is under the influence of a controlled drug
  • Has been under the combined effects of intoxicating liquor, a controlled substance.
  • Inhales or ingests any poison, chemical, organic solvent, or any compound or mixture thereof to the point that he is unable to safely drive or exercise actual physical control over a vehicle.
  • To drive a vehicle on a highway, or on-premises accessible to the public. (The fact that a person charged with violating this subsection is or was entitled to use the drug under the laws in this State does not make it a defense against the charge.

3. It is illegal for anyone to drive or to be in physical control of any vehicle on highways or on premises to which the public can access that has a level of a prohibited substance in their blood or urine equal to or greater than any of the following:

Prohibited substance Urine Blood: Nanograms per Milliliter

  • Amphetamine 500 per 100
  • Cocaine 150 per 50
  • Cocaine metabolite 150 per 50
  • Heroin 2,000 per 50
  • Heroin metabolite:
  • Morphine 2,000 per 50
  • 6-monoacetyl morphine 10 per 10
  • Lysergic acid derthylamide 25 for 10
  • Marijuana 10 per 2
  • Marijuana metabolite 15 per 5
  • Methamphetamine 500 for 100
  • Phencyclidine 25 for 10

4. When consumption is established by a preponderance, it is an affirmative defense that the defendant consumed sufficient alcohol after driving or exercising actual physical control over the vehicle and before blood or breath testing to determine that he has a 0.08 alcohol concentration in his blood or breathe. The defendant must file a written notice of intent to present this defense at trial or preliminary hearing. This notice must be served on the prosecuting lawyer no less than 14 days prior to the trial or hearing, or any other time the court may direct.

Locate a DUI attorney near you

Gary L Guymon PC is the right choice if you need representation in a DUI case. Our DUI attorneys have the experience to help you resolve your case with the best possible outcome. Contact us today for a free consultation.