Gary L Guymon PC Criminal Defense Attorney
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Las Vegas Marijuana Possession Defense Attorneys

Las Vegas Marijuana Possession Defense Attorneys

Nevada was among the first states to legalize marijuana for medicinal and recreational purposes. However, prosecutors are still keen to file charges against anyone who has more than the permitted amount. Public intoxication is a crime that can result in charges similar to those of alcohol. There are strict rules regarding how much and where it can be consumed. Even if the substance is less than 28g, packaging can result in criminal charges. This equals the one-ounce limit. When certain circumstances exist, aggressive representation by Las Vegas Marijuana Possession Defense Attorneys like Gary Guymon is required for defense against criminal charges.

Simple Possession

Nevada’s simple possession law now prohibits marijuana possession above one ounce, unless it is in concentrated form (3.5g). Those with medical marijuana authorization may also be charged with simple possession if they exceed their limit. Patients who use medical marijuana can possess much more than recreational users. Many cases can be delayed for later judgment if the product can be verified for personal use. Simple possession can now be treated as a misdemeanor if there are no extenuating circumstances. Fines are limited to $600.

Possession to Sell

Trafficking in marijuana remains a felony in Nevada. The one-ounce limit may not be applied if the substance was packaged in small quantities for clear possession with the intent of selling. In some cases, this is a nuance in law that some prosecutors might want to apply. Standard possession is a Class A misdemeanor while selling or possessing for sale more than one ounce of personal possession is a Class D felony. The class level will rise as the amount increases when there are material factors that indicate obvious possession for the intent of selling. After a conviction, felonies can result in 1-4 years imprisonment.

Felony Possession

Although felony possession of marijuana is usually reserved for larger quantities, felony status may still be applicable if the case details demonstrate an intent to distribute or blatantly disregard the limit law. Felony possession can be applied to amounts exceeding the one-ounce limit, but less than 100 lbs. Although possession of a bale may be grounds for trafficking marijuana charges, if the weight is more than 50 lbs, solid legal representation by reputable Marijuana Possession Defense Attorneys like Gary Guymon is still a great advantage.

Cultivation of Marijuana

The new marijuana legalization law also allows for six plants to be grown for personal consumption. The six-plant limit is allowed to be harvested, even if the harvest exceeds the legal limit for personal possession bought through state-licensed outlets. Patients who are medical marijuana users can also cultivate their plants. Some case charges can be modified if the case factors point to true personal use.

Contact Gary L Guymon PC for Marijuana Possession Defense Attorneys

Las Vegas Marijuana Possession Defense Attorneys know that possession can still pose a serious legal problem. It is best to retain solid representation from a respected Las Vegas lawyer such as Gary Guymon of Gary L Guymon PC for a positive case outcome. Gary Guymon is a respected attorney in Nevada for marijuana possession defense. Prosecutors know that the defendant is serious about fighting their case with Gary on the case.

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Gary L. Guymon, PC