Gary L Guymon PC Criminal Defense Attorney
Gary L Guymon

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Las Vegas Petty Larceny Criminal Defense Attorneys


Petit larceny in Las Vegas is theft that involves the intent to steal. Petit larceny in Las Vegas is a misdemeanor, but having a charge of intentional theft on your records could make it hard to get a job. Contact Petty Larceny Criminal Defense Attorneys if you’ve been charged with petit larceny. They can help you defend the charges, or have them dropped altogether.

Petit Larceny: Legal Definition

Petit larceny refers to the deliberate theft of items valued at $250 or more but less than $650 from someone against their will.

Although petit larceny in Las Vegas is usually charged with shoplifting, there are other crimes that could lead to charges for petit or petty larceny.

  • Property removal from a hotel room
  • Removal of fixtures from real estate;
  • Taking of someone’s domestic animals and pets.

The crime of petit theft in Nevada is possible as long as the property’s value is less than $650. Grand larceny can also be charged if the property is valued at over $650.

What does Petit Larceny have to do with Burglary?

Petit larceny does not count as a lesser-included crime of burglary. This means you could be charged with both burglary and petit larceny. It is important that you retain a criminal attorney to help you with your petit larceny case as soon as possible to protect your rights.

Top Rated Petty Larceny Criminal Defense Attorneys

Gary L Guymon has a long history of representing clients in Nevada accused of serious federal or state crimes.

Las Vegas Penalties for Petit Larceny

Petit larceny is a misdemeanor crime in Nevada that won’t likely result in a jail sentence. You will have to pay restitution if you are convicted in Las Vegas of petit larceny.

If the property is made up of utility wires or scrap, the sentence for petit larceny increases in Nevada. For a first offense, you may need to perform at least 100 hours of community service. The penalties could go up to a felony depending upon the property involved.

Petit Larceny Defenses

In theft cases, even in petit larceny cases here in Las Vegas, Nevada, the property’s value is always a defense. The maximum reasonable value of the goods taken away or transported will be used.

It might be possible to use part ownership as a defense. To avoid being arrested for petit larceny, contact petty larceny criminal defense attorneys before you take away property that you believe is at least partially yours.

Contacting Top Rated Petty Larceny Criminal Defense Attorneys

When you find yourself facing charges of petit larceny, you will want to contact a Petty Larceny Criminal Defense Attorney right away. Our Petty Larceny Criminal Defense Attorneys are ready to help you get your case plan in place to present your best defense. Contact us today.

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Gary L. Guymon, PC