A criminal conviction will be added to an individual’s criminal record. Anyone who runs a background check can view a criminal record of an individual. A person applying for a job, requesting to rent an apartment, or applying to college may have a lower chance of getting accepted due to past convictions. To ensure that their future is not impacted by past convictions, it is important that anyone charged with a crime consults an experienced attorney to see about having their charges reduced or dropped altogether. Contact our Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyer if you’ve been charged with a crime. They can protect your rights.
What can a criminal record do to a person’s quality of life?
A criminal record will often have a negative impact on a person’s ability to live a normal life. This can include any of the following:
- Employment
- Employers are legally allowed to conduct background checks on any candidate who has a criminal record. Employers can check a candidate’s criminal history through a background search. Employers may refuse employment based solely on criminal convictions. This can impact a person’s ability to find a job with high earnings potential. Individuals with a criminal record are often restricted to lower-paying jobs. A criminal record can have a negative impact on a person’s ability to work.
- Renting
- Landlords can deny an applicant tenancy when they find out that the candidate has a criminal history. Similar to employers, landlords can refuse a candidate tenancy based solely on a person’s criminal record. Landlords can only deny a candidate if they feel their decision is in the best interest of the community and the property. This can impact a person’s ability to find a home they like.
- College Admission
- All college applicants must go through background checks that assess their criminal records. Colleges may refuse to admit candidates if they feel that their past convictions pose a danger to the school’s safety. An individual could be denied admission to a school if they have a criminal record.
- Fostering, adoption, and child custody
- A criminal conviction can reduce a person’s rights to child custody. A conviction could affect an individual’s ability to adopt or foster a child. A criminal conviction that involved violence can also affect a person’s rights to adopt, foster, or have custody of a child.
- Driving
- If convicted of driving under the influence (DUI), individuals may lose their driving privileges. License suspension or revocation may result in individuals losing their right to drive. A permanent revocation of a standard driver’s license may be possible for certain criminal offenses. A commercial truck driver may lose their commercial driver’s license if they are convicted of a crime, which could lead to their loss of income. Their criminal record could also result in an individual losing their driving privileges.
Getting Help With Your Charges
It is crucial to speak with an experienced member of our team if you are facing criminal charges. They can help you reduce or drop your charges to protect your future. We are ready to help you achieve favorable results.
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