Gary L Guymon PC Criminal Defense Attorney
Gary L Guymon

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Las Vegas Theft And Burglary Defense Attorneys

Although they are sometimes grouped together, theft and burglary can be considered separate crimes. However, individual charges can be filed based on specific facts. Theft and Burglary Defense Attorneys know that details in each case are crucial. Sometimes technicalities can prove to be a problem in prosecution. When the case involves breaking into or entering any building or structure, prosecutors are often very zealous. It is not necessary that either crime be involved in a crime scene. Theft can be considered a white-collar offense if the defendants have access to certain financial accounts through their employment or associations. Even in weak cases, convictions can carry the same punishment and can result in permanent deprivation of some defendants’ ability to make a living from their work field. If the prosecution can prove the intent to do so in court, the sentence can be imposed.
Theft And Burglary Defense Attorneys


Under Nevada law, theft is a broad-ranging crime. Burglary defense lawyers know that theft and burglary can be committed in many ways. In most cases, the outcome will be determined by the details of the case. The charge level is also influenced by the value of the goods involved in the heist. This can be very high depending on the amount of access that the defendant had to the property or missing resources. The value of the property and the evidence that it was taken are the most important factors in determining the punishment for theft convictions. Restitution is a common form of punishment. Failure to repay the value can result in permanent deprivation of the rightful owner’s possessions and financial resources.

There are several types of theft charges:

  • Robbery
  • Petit Larceny (Pickpocketing).
  • Grand Larceny
  • Auto Larceny
  • Embezzlement
  • Stolen Items Possession


Both burglary and theft defense lawyers know the differences between these types of charges. In addition, burglary will always involve some element of entering a structure or building with the intent of committing a crime. Sometimes the defendants have permission to enter a structure, while sometimes it is illegal. Burglary committed using a firearm is automatically filed in Nevada as a Class A felony. This can result in a lengthy prison sentence, along with fines and restitution. Under certain circumstances, Burglary may still be filed as an offense of the Class B felonies even if a firearm was not used. Parole is not an option in cases involving multiple offenders.

Contact Gary L Guymon, PC Las Vegas Theft and Burglary Defense Attorneys

Do not assume that a theft or burglary charge cannot be defended vigorously in court. Material facts can have a significant impact on any case of theft or burglary, just as the choice of defending counsel. Call Gary Guymon, a Las Vegas burglary and theft defense attorney, when you need aggressive and attentive criminal defense representation. Gary Guymon, a Las Vegas criminal defense attorney, can make all the difference.

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Gary L. Guymon, PC