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Las Vegas Embezzlement Defense Attorneys
Embezzlement, a crime that violates criminal law, is actually a type of theft. This crime is different from the subset of larceny because the perpetrator is usually given authority in a fiduciary relation to access the property. Although the criminal law classifications are based on how much money was taken. It is still a charge that requires representation by Nevada-licensed embezzlement defense lawyers. An attorney is vital because sentencing may include up to six months imprisonment in a local jail, even for misdemeanor convictions. Anybody who faces jail time for a criminal conviction is required to have “adequate” legal counsel. This can include a public defense attorney if the defendant is eligible. This is not always a good idea, even in a case involving a misdemeanor. For a satisfactory outcome, it is best to hire a private lawyer such as Las Vegas embezzlement defense lawyers Gary Guymon.
Penalties for Embezzlement Conviction
The embezzlement criminal class is a misdemeanor as well as a felony. The seriousness of the charge is determined by the amount of the property in question. The property will usually be money, but this is not always the case. Misdemeanors are cases involving less than $650 in value. They can lead to six months in jail and a maximum $1000 fine. Restitution can also be requested and ordered by the court according to the court’s decision. A Class C felony is a case involving $650 to $3500. A conviction can lead to a five-year sentence in state prison and a $5000 fine.
What Experienced Embezzlement Defense Lawyers Can Do
The state of Nevada requires that an accused person prove multiple aspects of an embezzlement case. First, they must prove that the defendant was intent on taking possession of the property. A defense lawyer can present a strong argument that the defendant acquired the property by way of a relationship. This argument can be used when the material fact can be established to build reasonable doubt. Gary Guymon, an embezzlement defense lawyer, will focus on reasonable doubt when speaking to the court or negotiating a settlement. Nevada’s burden of proof defense standard is reasonable doubt. It is also used in other parts of the country. This is how experienced defense attorneys win cases on behalf of clients who have been wrongfully charged with a law violation.
Contact Embezzlement Defense Attorneys
Don’t assume there is no defense when you are accused of embezzlement. It is important to choose the right attorney to represent your case. An embezzlement conviction is a serious matter for any defendant. It can have a negative impact on the future, freedom, financial resources, and ability to pay fines or restitution orders. Even if you have a clean criminal record, this can lead to a long-term criminal record. For aggressive, professional legal representation in Las Vegas, NV, contact Gary Guymon.
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