“Grand Larceny (Theft) Laws” in Las Vegas Nevada

Grand Larceny Nevada, as defined by Nevada Law NRS 205.220 is the deliberate theft of property owned by another person or entity worth $1,200 or more. Stealing refers to the act of taking property belonging to another person or entity without permission. Larceny, which is the theft of someone’s personal property, is a type of theft and is considered to be a felony. Common grand larceny is:

Penalties for Grand Larceny Nevada

The amount of property the defendant is accused of stealing determines the severity of the penalties for Grand Larceny Nevada. If the property is valued between $1,200 and $5,000, it will be considered a category D felony with 1 to 4 years imprisonment in Nevada State Prison, restitution payment payments, and a maximum of $5,000 fine. If the value is more than $5,000, but less than $25,000, it will be considered a category C felony. This means that you could spend 1 to 5 years in Nevada State Prison and receive restitution payments. A $10,000 fine can also be imposed. It is a category B felony and can lead to a sentence of up to 10 years imprisonment in Nevada State Prison for thefts valued between $25,000 and $100,000. You will also be subject to restitution payments as well as a $10,000 fine. The theft of property worth $100,000 or more is a category B felony. This means that you will be sentenced to 1 to 20 years in Nevada State Prison and restitution payments. A $15,000 fine is also possible. Grand Larceny, which is a felony is not allowed to be sealed until at least five years after the case has been closed.

Defenses Against Grand Larceny Nevada

Grand Larceny Nevada charges can be reduced or dismissed by using a variety of defense strategies. These defense strategies include:

  • They were the owners of the property they were accused of stealing
  • The property was valued at less than $1,200
  • The defendant did not intend to steal
  • Only by violating Nevada Search and Seizure Laws were the police able to obtain the evidence

Proper Defense

It may be difficult to defend Grand Larceny. However, if there is insufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, then no criminal charges should be brought. A Grand Larceny Nevada defendant who has a clean criminal history and pays the full amount of restitution will have the best chance to have it reduced to a misdemeanor or dismissed.